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New infosec products of the week​: January 27, 2017

Prevent DNS-based data exfiltration and detect malware Delivered as a service, Infoblox ActiveTrust Cloud addresses the needs of global enterprises with a mobile workforce and …

What resellers think about threats to customers

A new survey, designed to capture the reseller’s perspective on customer cyber threat concerns and their overall understanding of the firewall market, examined the views …

Will 2017 be the year of ransomworm?

It’s safe to say that 2016 was the year of ransomware. More specifically, the year of crypto-ransomware, that nefarious variant that encrypts files and holds them captive …

Users lock
Network security: A team sport for SMBs

The increased volume and frequency of cyberattacks has made information security an everyday issue of great importance, regardless of your geographical location, industry, …

Google Station
Google wants to revamp public Wi-Fi networks, but what about security?

William Shakespeare once wrote, “the eyes are the windows to your soul,” but if you ask savvy retailers, they might say it’s guest Wi-Fi. Why? New Wi-Fi systems allow them to …

Wi-Fi and security are better together for SMBs

Wireless adoption is growing fast globally, with Wi-Fi access becoming ubiquitous in businesses, stores, corporate environments and public spaces; literally everywhere we go. …

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