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Snapd flaw gives attackers root access on Linux systems

A vulnerability affecting Snapd – a package installed by default in Ubuntu and used by other Linux distributions such as Debian, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Fedora and Solus …

RunC container escape flaw enables root access to host system

A serious vulnerability in runC, a widely used CLI tool for spawning and running containers, could be exploited to compromise the runC host binary from inside a privileged …

Malicious macros can trigger RCE in LibreOffice, OpenOffice

Achieving remote code execution on systems running LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice might be as easy as tricking users into opening a malicious ODT (OpenDocument) file and …

802 Secure
The problem with vulnerable IoT companion apps

There’s no shortage of exploitable security holes in widely used Internet of Things devices, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the communication between many …

Critical FaceTime bug turns iPhones, Macs into eavesdropping tools

A shocking and easily exploitable FaceTime bug allows people to listen in on other users of Apple devices by simply calling them through the service. The bug apparently …

Researcher warns of privilege escalation flaw in Check Point ZoneAlarm

Illumant researcher Chris Anastasio has discovered a serious vulnerability in Check Point’s security software. It affects ZoneAlarm Free Firewall and ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus …

Cisco fixes security holes in SD-WAN, Webex, Small Business routers

Cisco has fixed a heap of security holes in a variety of its products, including a critical one affecting its SD-WAN Solution. Cisco SD-WAN vulnerabilities The most critical …

Bug in widespread Wi-Fi chipset firmware can lead to zero-click code execution

A vulnerability in the firmware of a Wi-Fi chipset that is widely used in laptops, streaming, gaming and a variety of “smart” devices can be exploited to …

Researcher releases PoC for Windows VCF file RCE vulnerability

A vulnerability that exists in the way Windows processes VCard files (.vcf) can be exploited by remote attackers to achieve execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems, …

Fortnite vulnerabilities would have allowed attackers to intercept and steal login credentials

Researchers at Check Point today shared details of vulnerabilities that could have affected any player of the hugely popular online battle game, Fortnite. Vulnerability impact …

Widely used building access system can be easily compromised

A researcher has discovered several egregious vulnerabilities in the PremiSys IDenticard building access management system, some of which could allow attackers to take control …

Juniper Networks
Juniper releases barrage of security fixes for security, networking devices

Juniper Networks has released patches for vulnerabilities affecting its networking and security devices running Junos OS, as well as a bucketload of security flaws in the …

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