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BMC vulnerabilities in Supermicro servers allow remote takeover, data exfiltration attacks

A slew of vulnerabilities affecting the baseboard management controllers (BMCs) of Supermicro servers could be exploited by remote attackers to gain access to corporate …

Attackers are exploiting vulnerable WP plugins to backdoor sites

A group of attackers that has been injecting WordPress-based sites with a script redirecting visitors to malicious and fraudulent pages has now also started backdooring the …

iPhone 8
Google discovers websites exploiting iPhones, pushing spying implants en masse

Unidentified attackers have been compromising websites for nearly three years, equipping them with exploits that would hack visiting iPhones without any user interaction and …

Attackers are targeting vulnerable Fortigate and Pulse Secure SSL VPNs

Attackers are taking advantage of recently released vulnerability details and PoC exploit code to extract private keys and user passwords from vulnerable Pulse Connect Secure …

Five vendors accounted for 24.1% of vulnerabilities in 2019 so far

Risk Based Security reported today that VulnDB aggregated 11,092 vulnerabilities with disclosure dates during the first half of 2019, with CVE/NVD falling behind by 4,332 …

Cisco warns about public exploit code for critical flaws in its 220 Series smart switches

Cisco has fixed over 30 vulnerabilities in various solutions, including Cisco UCS Director, Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data, Cisco IMC Supervisor, and the Cisco 220 …

Identifying vulnerable IoT devices by the companion app they use

For better or worse, connected “smart” devices are springing up like mushrooms. There is no doubt that they can be very helpful but, unfortunately, most have a …

VLC users urged to implement latest security update

VLC, the popular cross-platform media player, has reached version 3.0.8, which fixes over a dozen security vulnerabilities, some of which could be exploited by attackers to …

Routers from well-known manufacturers vulnerable to cross-router data leaks

While many organizations and home networks use a host and guest network on the same router hardware to increase security, a new study by Ben-Gurion University indicates that …

Critical Bluetooth flaw opens millions of devices to eavesdropping attacks

A newly disclosed vulnerability (CVE-2019-9506) in the Bluetooth Core Specification can be exploited by attackers to intercept and manipulate Bluetooth communications/traffic …

Digital transformation helps companies work smarter yet makes them vulnerable to breaches

While digital transformation helps companies work smarter, there is a risk that the ongoing digitization may unlock a host of security vulnerabilities that can cost companies …

identity theft
Link between personality type and vulnerabilities to cybercrime

Only four in 10 (42%) businesses focus on compliance training as part of their cybersecurity protocol to ensure sensitive data is kept secure, reports ESET. More worryingly, …

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