
Exploits for Citrix ADC and Gateway flaw abound, attacks are ongoing
With several exploits targeting CVE-2019-19781 having been released over the weekend and the number of vulnerable endpoints still being over 25,000, attackers are having a …

Attackers exploiting critical Citrix ADC, Gateway flaw, company yet to release fixes
Nearly a month has passed since Citrix released mitigation measures for CVE-2019-19781, a critical vulnerability affecting Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix …

App on Google Play exploited Android bug to deliver spyware
Google has pulled three malicious apps from Google Play, one of which exploits a recently patched kernel privilege escalation bug in Android (CVE-2019-2215) to install the app …

Cisco Data Center Network Manager flaws fixed, Cisco ASA appliances under attack
Cisco has fixed 12 vulnerabilities in Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM), a platform for managing Cisco switches and fabric extenders that run NX-OS, and has warned …

Challenges of using firewall tech to do segmentation
Despite the inevitability of security-related incidents, few organizations currently protect against the spread of breaches with segmentation – only 19 percent of the 300 IT …

Major vulnerabilities found in popular wireless presentation system
F-Secure consultants have discovered several exploitable vulnerabilities in Barco’s ClickShare wireless presentation system. Attackers can use the flaws to intercept and …

Most DevOps pros feel proper certificate issuance policies slow them down
75% of DevOps professionals are concerned that policies for issuing certificates slow down development, and over a third (39%) believe developers should be able to circumvent …

As malware and network attacks increase in 2019, zero day malware accounts for 50% of detections
Amid significant increases in both malware and network attacks, multiple Apache Struts vulnerabilities – including one used in the devastating Equifax data breach – appeared …

SaaS security fears: Is your data exposed to potential risk?
IT executives have rising SaaS security fears, and worry about cloud security, proprietary data encryption, as well as the loss of independent control due to access …

Unpatchable KeyWe smart lock can be easily picked
A design flaw in the KeyWe smart lock (GKW-2000D), which is mostly used for remote-controlled entry to private residences, can be exploited by attackers to gain access to the …

December 2019 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes one actively exploited zero-day
For December 2019 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft and Adobe have released the final scheduled security updates for this year, Intel has fixed Plundervolt, and Google has delivered …

How do SMBs plan to improve their security posture in 2020?
With cybersecurity concerns already mounting ahead of the 2020 presidential election, SMB executives are turning their attention to how these threats could impact their own …