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Critical XSS vulnerability in Zimbra exploited in the wild (CVE-2023-34192)

A critical cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability (CVE-2023-34192) in popular open source email collaboration suite Zimbra is being exploited by attackers. About the …

cyber threat
Generative AI outperforms hackers but not their creativity

72% of hackers are confident that AI cannot replace human creativity in security research and vulnerability management, according to Bugcrowd. Generative AI hacking Generative …

Satellites lack standard security mechanisms found in mobile phones and laptops

Researchers from Ruhr University Bochum and the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken have assessed the security mechanisms of satellites currently …

Unnamed APT eyes vulnerabilities in Rockwell Automation industrial contollers (CVE-2023-3595 CVE-2023-3596)

Rockwell Automation has fixed two vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-3595, CVE-2023-3596) in the communication modules of its ControlLogix industrial programmable logic controllers …

Same code, different ransomware? Leaks kick-start myriad of new variants

Threat landscape trends demonstrate the impressive flexibility of cybercriminals as they continually seek out fresh methods of attack, including exploiting vulnerabilities, …

Chinese hackers forged authentication tokens to breach government emails

Sophisticated hackers have accessed email accounts of organizations and government agencies via authentication tokens they forged by using an acquired Microsoft account (MSA) …

patch tuesday
Microsoft patches four exploited zero-days, but lags with fixes for a fifth (CVE-2023-36884)

For July 2023 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has delivered 130 patches; among them are four for vulnerabilites actively exploited by attackers, but no patch for CVE-2023-36884, an …

Owncast, EaseProbe security vulnerabilities revealed

Oxeye has uncovered two critical security vulnerabilities and recommends immediate action to mitigate risk. The vulnerabilities were discovered in Owncast (CVE-2023-3188) and …

Microsoft Teams
Malware delivery to Microsoft Teams users made easy

A tool that automates the delivery of malware from external attackers to target employees’ Microsoft Teams inbox has been released. TeamsPhisher (Source: Alex Reid) About the …

PoC for Arcserve UDP authentication bypass flaw published (CVE-2023-26258)

An authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2023-26258) in the Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP) enterprise data protection solution can be exploited to compromise admin …

PoC exploit released for Cisco AnyConnect, Secure Client vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178)

Proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for the high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178) in Cisco Secure Client Software for Windows and Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility …

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams vulnerability allows attackers to deliver malware to employees

Security researchers have uncovered a bug that could allow attackers to deliver malware directly into employees’ Microsoft Teams inbox. “Organisations that use …

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