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Smart TVs vulnerable to a host of attacks

Smart (connected) TVs are becoming a common fixture in Western world homes, and most users consider it a handy tool and an improvement over the basic television sets of …

Google researcher publishes Windows 0-day exploit

Less than two weeks after Google researcher Tavis Ormandy released information about a new Windows zero-day vulnerability on the Full Disclosure mailing list and asked for …

Questioning Google’s disclosure timeline motivations

The presence of 0-day vulnerability exploitation is often a real and considerable threat to the Internet – particularly when very popular consumer-level software is the …

Apache server bug allows remote code execution

The existence of a “moderately critical” Apache HTTP Server vulnerability whose exploitation could allow attackers to compromise the system and execute arbitrary …

Google defines disclosure timeline for actively exploited bugs

The debate regarding responsible vulnerability disclosure and full vulnerability disclosure has been started many times in the past, and it’s an issue that will continue …

Ruby on Rails bug is being exploited in the wild, researcher warns

Administrators of servers running Ruby on Rails are advised once again to upgrade to the latest versions of the framework (3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, and 2.3.15), as a …

Google researcher reveals another Windows 0-day

Tavis Ormandy – the Google researcher known for discovering a slew of Windows, Java and Flash Player vulnerabilities and zero-days and his combative attitude regarding …

DHS employees’ info possibly compromised due to system flaw

U.S. Department of Homeland Security employees have begun receiving notifications about a vulnerability that has inadvertently made their personal information potentially …

A spotlight on grid insecurity

Drawing from responses from more than 100 utilities across America, a new report shows that the nation’s electric grid remains highly vulnerable to attacks from Iran and …

Experts highlight top data breach vulnerabilities

Hidden vulnerabilities lie in everyday activities that can expose personal information and lead to data breach, including buying gas with a credit card or wearing a pacemaker. …

Free tool repairs critical Windows configuration vulnerabilities

Tripwire announced SecureCheq, a free configuration utility that helps evaluate and repair the most common, critical configuration vulnerabilities in Windows desktops and …

A look into the EC Council hack

Update: Wednesday, 22 May 2013 – Tal Be’ery: “We had analyzed a screenshot of what we had thought at the time the current EC council site hack. Later we had …

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