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Google Play flaw opens Android devices to silent malware installation

Android users are in danger of getting malicious apps silently installed on their devices by attackers, warns Rapid7’s Tod Beardsley, technical lead for the Metasploit …

Tens of thousands MongoDB databases easily accessible from the Internet

A group of students from Saarland University’s Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA) have discovered tens of thousands MongoDB databases accessible …

Dangerous vulnerabilities plague IoT home security systems

Owners of Internet-connected home security systems may not be the only ones monitoring their homes. A new HP study found that 100 percent of the studied devices used in home …

Majority of dating apps are open to hacks

IBM Security found that over 60% of leading Android dating mobile apps they studied are potentially vulnerable to a variety of cyber-attacks that put personal user information …

Microsoft fixes critical remotely exploitable Windows root-level design bug

In this month’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has released nine security bulletins to address 56 unique vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet …

Car hacking and hijacking is too easy, report says

A report released on Monday by US Senator Edward Markey has confirmed what we already suspected: automobile manufacturers have yet to effectively deal with the threat of …

Massive malvertising campaign leads to latest Flash Player zero-day exploit

It has been a tough beginning of the year for Adobe and a dangerous one for Adobe Flash Player users. The recently discovered zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2015-0313) affecting …

League of Legends exploit allows attackers to access gamers’ accounts

A string of hacks has revealed the existence of an exploit targeting League of Legends players, which allows the attackers to open up the game’s store from a web browser …

New Flash Player 0-day exploited in malvertising attacks

A new Adobe Flash Player zero-day flaw is being actively exploited in the wild via the Angler exploit kit, Trend Micro threat analyst Peter Pi has warned. The flaw …

Outlook for iOS breaks company security, developer warns

One the same day that Microsoft released its new Outlook app for iOS, a developer has warned that it breaks corporate security in multiple ways. René Winkelmeyer, Head of …

D-Link routers vulnerable to DNS hijacking

At least one and likely more D-Link routers as well as those of other manufacturers using the same firmware are vulnerable to remote changing of DNS settings and, effectively, …

Reactions to the serious vulnerability found in Glibc

The Qualys security research team has found a critical vulnerability in the Linux GNU C Library (glibc), that allows attackers to remotely take control of an entire system …

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