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Cisco plugs WPA2 holes, critical Cloud Services Platform flaw

Cisco has released updates to address vulnerabilities in a wide variety of its products. Among these are updates fixing the WPA2 vulnerabilities that can be exploited in the …

Vulnerability in code library allows attackers to work out private RSA keys

Researchers have discovered a security vulnerability in the Infineon-developed RSA library, which could be exploited by attackers to discover the RSA private key corresponding …

WPA2 weakness allows attackers to extract sensitive info from Wi-Fi traffic

WPA2, a protocol that secures modern protected Wi-Fi networks, sports serious weaknesses that can allow attackers to read and capture information that users believe to be …

Unpatched SQLi vulnerability in SmartVista e-commerce suite

Companies using SmartVista, the popular e-commerce/payment management product suite developed by Swiss company BPC Banking Technologies, are urged to put limit access to its …

Bugs in Windows DNS client open millions of users to attack

In this month’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has included fixes for multiple critical memory corruption vulnerabilities in the Windows DNS client, which could be exploited …

Patching discrepancy between supported Windows versions puts users at risk

Security improvements should be a welcome addition to all software, but if they are not also simultaneously backported into its older and still supported versions, they can …

PoC for several Magento vulnerabilities released, update now!

DefenseCode has published proof of concept code for two CSRF and stored XSS vulnerabilities affecting a number of versions of the popular e-commerce platform Magento. Magento …

Widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server Dnsmasq riddled with flaws

Google researchers have discovered seven serious vulnerabilities in Dnsmasq, a lightweight, widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server for small computer networks. Dnsmasq is …

Is your Mac software secure but firmware vulnerable?

Mac users who have updated to the latest OS version or have downloaded and implemented the most recent security update may not be as secure as they originally thought, Duo …

Spoofed IRS notice delivers RAT through link updating trick

The malware delivery trick involving updating links in Word documents is apparently gaining some traction: the latest campaign to use it likely takes the form of fake emails …

Optionsbleed bug makes Apache HTTP Server leak data from memory

On Monday, security researcher Hanno Böck detailed a memory-leaking vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server that’s similar to the infamous OpenSSL Heartbleed bug uncovered …

Equifax breach happened because of a missed patch

The attackers who breached Equifax managed to do so by exploiting a vulnerability in its US website, the company has finally confirmed. The vulnerability – CVE-2017-5638 …

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