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Multi-cloud transit enhances app experience but brings complexity and security challenges

Sapio Research conducted a survey of more than 400 IT leaders at U.S.-based organizations with more than 1000 employees which offers a picture for enterprises transitioning to …

What is the true meaning of SASE?

The adoption of SASE has skyrocketed during the pandemic, according to a research conducted by Sapio Research. Thirty-four percent of businesses claim to already be adopting …

remote workforce protection
Corporate attack surfaces growing concurrently with a dispersed workforce

Zscaler released a report on the state of corporate attack surfaces. Based on data sourced between February 2020 and April 2021, the report provides a first-ever look at the …

VPN attacks up nearly 2000% as companies embrace a hybrid workplace

Nuspire released a report which outlines new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) with additional insight from Recorded Future. “As companies …

Ransomware attackers are leveraging old SonicWall SRA flaw (CVE-2019-7481)

Since the beginning of the year, various cyber attackers leveraged a slew of zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise different SonicWall solutions. Crowdstrike now warns that a …

MacBook Pro
54% of all employees reuse passwords across multiple work accounts

Yubico released the results of a study into current attitudes and adaptability to at-home corporate cybersecurity, employee training, and support in the current global hybrid …

endpoint protection
Endpoint complexities leaving sensitive data at risk

Absolute Software announced key findings from its report which shines a light on key trends affecting enterprise data and device security, and underscores the dangers of …

Cybersecurity leaders lacking basic cyber hygiene

Constella Intelligence released the results of a survey that unlocks the behaviors and tendencies that characterize how vigilant organizations’ leaders are when it comes to …

zero trust
Can zero trust kill our need to talk about locations?

As security professionals, we have acknowledged for over a decade that our data resides outside our network. Yet, we still talk about strategies for protecting the enterprise …

endpoint protection
Endpoint security: How to shore up practices for a safer remote enterprise

It’s a long-held belief that enterprise IT teams are overworked. It’s also considered common knowledge that their jobs have only gotten harder in the days since workforces …

The zero trust security market continues to grow

The global zero trust security market is projected to surpass $66,741.3 million, increasing from $18,500.0 million in 2019, at a CAGR of 17.6% from 2020 to 2027 timeframe, …

Top security threats for power plants and how to proactively avoid them

Power plants are one of the most vitally important components of modern civilization’s infrastructure. A disruption in energy production impacts all aspects of society from …

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