The six most common threats against the device that knows you best
What is the most intimate relationship in your life—aside from your partner, your children or your parents? For many of us, it’s our mobile phone. It’s the last thing we see …

40% fell victim to a phishing attack in the past month
The global shift to remote work has exacerbated the onslaught, sophistication, and impact of phishing attacks, according to Ivanti. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of respondents …

Operation HAECHI-I intercepts $83M in online financial crimes
Amid an exponential increase in online fraud, an INTERPOL-coordinated operation codenamed HAECHI-I mobilized more than 40 specialized law enforcement officers across the Asia …

It’s time to shift from verifying data to authenticating identity
As fraudsters continue to develop increasingly sophisticated schemes that allow them to produce an apparent valid identity, either by stealing personal data or fabricating it …

Fake Amazon order emails lead to vishing
Fraudsters are sending out fake Amazon order emails and tricking online shoppers into calling a telephone number manned by them to steal the shoppers’ credit card …