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Useful password hashing: How to waste computing cycles with style

Password-based authentication is widely used today, despite problems with security and usability. To control the negative effects of some of these problems, best practice …

Authentication using visual codes: what can go wrong

Several password replacement schemes have been suggested that use a visual code to log in. However the visual code can often be relayed, which opens up a major vulnerability. …

Building an OATH-compliant authentication server for less than $100

Using a Raspberry Pi nanocomputer and the multiOTP open source library, André Liechti showcases how to how to create an OATH-compliant authentication server at PasswordsCon …

Energy-efficient bcrypt cracking

Bcrypt is a password hashing scheme based on the Blowfish block cipher. It was designed to be resistant to brute force attacks and to remain secure despite of hardware …

Tales of passwords, cyber-criminals and daily used devices

Specific embedded devices are targeted by criminals in order to gain access or utilize for further attacks. Modems are attacked to change DNS-servers for advertising or …

The iCloud keychain and iOS 7 data protection

When Apple announced iOS 7, iCloud Keychain was one of its key features. It is no doubt great for usability, but what about security? What kind of access does Apple have to …

Verify your software for security bugs

Verification is an important phase of developing secure software that is not always addressed in depth that includes dynamic analysis and fuzzing testing. This step allows …

Documentary: Buying guns and drugs on the deep web

Motherboard used the deep web to find out just how easy it was to buy guns, drugs, and other contraband online. VICE Germany editor Tom Littlewood talks with cryptology …

Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world’s trust

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American …

Hypervisor-based, hardware-assisted system monitoring

In the last few years, many different techniques have been introduced to analyse malicious binary executables. Most of these techniques take advantage of Virtual Machine …

Different adversary classes within security

Akamai Director of Security Intelligence, Josh Corman, gives an overview different adversary classes and their motivations.

Video: Advanced password recovery and modern mitigation strategies

Think about all the passwords we use to access information every day. Whether it is email, social media, financial institutions or numerous other services, passwords have …

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