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83% of IT pros are using either hybrid or multi-cloud

Canonical released data from a survey revealing the goals, benefits, and challenges of cloud-native technologies. The report has surveyed more than 1,300 IT professionals over …

How organizations can protect themselves in the emerging risk landscape

In this video for Help Net Security, Ravi Srinivasan, CEO of Votiro, discusses ThoughtLab’s 2022 cybersecurity benchmarking study, Cybersecurity Solutions for a Riskier …

Prioritizing segmentation leads to better business and security outcomes

Conducted by The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), which surveyed 1,000 IT and security professionals in eight countries, a new Illumio report discovered that 47% of security …

cybersecurity investments
What cybersecurity investors should be aware of in 2022

In this video for Help Net Security, Christian Lawaetz Halvorsen, CTO at Valuer, talks about what cybersecurity investors should be aware of in 2022. He discusses the pain …

Ransomware attacks have increased by 80% year-over-year

In 2022, the most prevalent ransomware trends include double-extortion, supply chain attacks, ransomware-as-a-service, ransomware rebranding, and geo-political incited …

How to build security for the metaverse

Metaverse is the virtual world where a collective comes together to communicate and interact virtually. If those involved in building the metaverse create common standards, …

RSA Conference 2022
RSA Conference 2022 video walkthrough

RSA Conference 2022 is taking place in San Francisco this week, and this video provides a closer look at this year’s event.

supply chain
82% of CIOs believe their software supply chains are vulnerable

The shift to cloud native development, along with the increased speed in development brought about by the adoption of DevOps processes, has made the challenges connected with …

Ransomware attacks keeping the educational sector on its toes

Financially motivated cybercriminals are taking advantage of schools’ need for uptime, their scarcity of cybersecurity defense resources, and lack of expertise compared to …

How to create awareness and mitigate data loss incidents

Nearly 60% of organizations experienced data loss or exfiltration caused by an employee mistake on email in the last 12 months. The most common types of confidential and …

Turning the tables on cyber attackers

Darktrace AI interrupts in-progress cyber-attacks in seconds, including ransomware, email phishing, and threats to cloud environments and critical infrastructure. In this Help …

BEC attacks have risen 53% year-over-year

Armorblox released a report which highlights the use of language-based attacks that bypass existing email security controls. The report uncovers how the continued increase in …

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Cybersecurity news