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data analytics
How security observability can help you fight cyber attacks

Security observability uses the external outputs of a system, its logs, metrics, and traces to infer risk, monitor threats, and alert on breaches. Security professionals use …

security awareness
Finding the right approach to security awareness

As artificial intelligence amplifies the sophistication and reach of phishing, vishing, and smishing attacks, understanding and managing human cyber risks has become …

IoT’s convenience comes with cybersecurity challenges

The rapid proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has ushered in a new era of connectivity and convenience, transforming the way we live and work. However, this …

Strategies to overcome cybersecurity misconceptions

Many CISOs may believe their cybersecurity defenses are robust enough to repel any attack, but there are critical misconceptions they may be harboring. In this Help Net …

data analytics
Navigating OT/IT convergence and securing ICS environments

Escalating threats to operational technology (OT) have prompted an increasing number of global enterprises to adopt sophisticated technologies and services to enhance the …

healthcare cybersecurity
Cyberattacks put healthcare organizations on high alert

Healthcare organizations have become prime targets for cybercriminals due to the immense value of their data, including patient records, sensitive medical information, and …

Healthcare IoT
Addressing cyber threats in healthcare operational technology

The proliferation of connected medical devices (IoMT) in hospitals demands a holistic approach to cybersecurity beyond just the digital IT realm. Industrial cybersecurity (OT) …

IT professional
How organizations can combat rising cloud costs with FinOps

When it comes to the cloud, many organizations prioritize speed over spend. In fact, spending on public cloud services is forecasted to grow 21.7% to a total of $597.3 billion …

Keeping control in complex regulatory environments

Modern compliance programs represent a strategic shift in how companies approach regulatory and ethical obligations. They are designed to not only mitigate risks and avoid …

irreducibly complex systems book
Introducing the book: Irreducibly Complex Systems

In this Help Net Security video interview, David Hunt, CTO at Prelude, discusses his book – Irreducibly Complex Systems: An Introduction to Continuous Security Testing. …

data analytics
How cyber fusion is helping enterprises modernize security operations

In this Help Net Security video, Avkash Kathiriya, Sr. VP – Research and Innovation at Cyware, explains how cyber fusion is helping enterprises modernize their security …

Why security is the bedrock of success for mainframe projects

Enterprises looking to update their mission-critical operations are approaching modernization in three ways – modernizing on the mainframe, integrating with the …

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