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Weak DevOps cryptographic policies increase financial services cyber risk

Cryptographic security risks are amplified in DevOps settings, where compromises in development or test environments can spread to production systems and applications. This is …

Cryptographic security risks are amplified in DevOps settings

Cryptographic security risks are amplified in DevOps settings, where compromises in development or test environments can spread to production systems and applications, …

23% of security pros are blind to encrypted traffic threats

According to a Venafi survey conducted at RSA Conference 2017, 23 percent of respondents have no idea how much of their encrypted traffic is decrypted and inspected. …

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21% of websites still use insecure SHA-1 certificates

New research from Venafi Labs shows that 21 percent of the world’s websites are still using certificates signed with the vulnerable Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1. On February …

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Global geopolitical changes driving encryption adoption

Recent global geopolitical changes have made more people and organizations than ever worry about the privacy of their data, and consider increasing their use of encryption to …

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