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Venafi and GlobalSign partnership and integration to address DevOps certificate challenges

Venafi, the leading provider of machine identity protection, and GMO GlobalSign, a global Certificate Authority and leading provider of identity and security solutions for the …

Google Titan
Google offers free replacement for buggy Titan Security Keys

Misconfigured Bluetooth pairing protocols in Google’s Titan Security Keys may allow attackers to communicate with users’ security key or with the device their key …

Backdoors inevitably create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors

73 percent of IT security professionals believe countries with government-mandated encryption backdoors are more susceptible to nation-state attacks. The Venafi survey on …

CIOs admit certificate-related outages routinely impact critical business applications and services

Certificate-related outages harm the reliability and availability of vital network systems and services while also being extremely difficult to diagnose and remediate. …

Sale of SSL/TLS certificates on the dark web is rampant

There is no dearth of compromised, fake and forged SSL/TLS certificates for sale on dark web markets, researchers have found. TLS certificates are sold individually and …

Venafi and nCipher Security collaborate to protect machine identity

Venafi, the leading provider of machine identity protection, and nCipher Security, the provider of trust, integrity and control for critical business information and …

Venafi and DigiCert machine identity protection partnership delivers new solution for enterprise PKI

Venafi and DigiCert unveiled a new integration that simplifies and automates complex machine identity programs for the demanding, security-conscious organizations. The …

80% of enterprises struggle to protect machine identities

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting examined the views of 116 IT security professionals from financial services and insurance organizations in the U.S., U.K., Germany, …

Should government officials complete basic cyber security training?

Venafi announced the results of a survey of 515 IT security professionals’ views on the cyber security literacy of government officials. The survey was conducted August 4-9, …

shop online
Explosion of look-alike domains aims to steal sensitive data from online shoppers

Venafi released research on the explosion of look-alike domains, which are routinely used to steal sensitive data from online shoppers. Venafi’s research analyzed suspicious …

80% of enterprises struggle to protect machine identities

Ninety-six percent of companies believe that effective protection of machine and human identities are equally important to the long-term security and viability of their …

Election systems should be considered critical infrastructure

93 percent of security professionals are concerned about cyber-attacks targeting election infrastructure and data, and 81 percent believe cyber criminals will target election …

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