Vade Secure

The 25 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks
PayPal remains the top brand impersonated in phishing attacks for the second quarter in a row, with Facebook taking the #2 spot and Microsoft coming in third, according to …

PayPal becomes phisher’s favorite brand, Office 365 phishing techniques evolve
PayPal has overtaken Microsoft to claim the number one ranking for phisher’s favorites for the first time. Netflix was not far behind as the streaming giant moved up to …

Facebook phishing surges, Microsoft still most impersonated brand
Vade Secure published the results of its Phishers’ Favorites report for Q2 2019. According to the report, which ranks the 25 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks, …
Vade Secure’s Auto-Remediate adds automated protection for Office 365 environments
Vade Secure, the global leader in predictive email defense, announced the availability of Auto-Remediate for Vade Secure for Office 365. The new feature extends Vade …

Cybercriminals targeting social media: Facebook and Instagram are becoming phishers’ favorites
Social media phishing, primarily Facebook and Instagram, saw the highest quarter- over-quarter growth of any industry with a 74.7 percent increase, according to the Vade …

Microsoft remains the most impersonated brand, Netflix phishing spikes
Although Microsoft remains the top target for phishers, Netflix saw an incredible surge in Dec., making it the second most impersonated brand in Q4 2018, according to Vade …
Vade Secure launches IsItPhishing Threat Detection to help SOCs identify phishing URLs
Vade Secure launched IsItPhishing Threat Detection, an anti-phishing solution that helps Security Operations Centers (SOCs) identify and block targeted phishing attacks. …

Phishing attacks becoming more targeted, phishers love Microsoft the most
Microsoft remains ensconced on the top of the list of brands impersonated by phishers in North America, Vade Secure has revealed. Phishers’ favorite targets The company …

Who gets spear phished, and why?
The story of nearly every notable data breach in recent memory begins in pretty much the same way: Once upon a time, someone got spear phished… Whether it’s a government …

Microsoft tops list of brands impersonated by phishers
The number one brand spoofed by phishers in Q2 2018 in North America was Microsoft, says email security company Vade Secure. The company credits the surging of adoption of …