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Former Uber CSO avoids prison for concealing data breach

Joe Sullivan, the former Uber CSO who has been convicted last year for attempting to cover up a data breach Uber suffered in 2016 and kept it hidden from the Federal Trade …

City of Dallas hit by ransomware

The City of Dallas, Texas, has suffered a ransomware attack that resulted in disruption of several of its services. What do we know so far? “Wednesday morning, the …

critical infrastructure
CISA warns CI operators about vulnerabilities on their networks exploited by ransomware gangs

Organizations in critical infrastructure sectors whose information systems contain security vulnerabilities associated with ransomware attacks are being notified by the US …

airport security
TSA issues additional cybersecurity rules for the aviation sector

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a new cybersecurity amendment to the security programs of certain TSA-regulated (airport and aircraft) operators in the …

Alleged seller of NetWire RAT arrested in Croatia

This week, as part of a global law enforcement operation, federal authorities in Los Angeles successfully confiscated, a domain utilized by …

law enforcement
Law enforcement teams score major win against DoppelPaymer ransomware gang

In a joint effort, the German Regional Police, Ukrainian National Police, Europol, Dutch Police, and FBI joined forces on February 28, 2023, to take down the masterminds …

ML practitioners push for mandatory AI Bill of Rights

The AI Bill of Rights, bias, and operational challenges amid tightening budgets are pressing issues affecting the adoption of ML as well as project and initiative success, …

USA flag
US government puts cybersecurity at forefront with newly announced National Strategy

The National Cybersecurity Strategy was unveiled today by the Biden-Harris Administration. The Strategy recognizes that government must use all tools of national power in a …

10 US states that suffered the most devastating data breaches in 2022

Cyber attack risks faced by businesses across states and reported data breaches are relative to the respective state governments’ cybersecurity investment, according to …

warning scam
FTC reveals alarming increase in scam activity, costing consumers billions

Newly released Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data shows that consumers reported losing nearly $8.8 billion to fraud in 2022, an increase of more than 30 percent over the …

cybersecurity jobs
Cybersecurity layoffs in 2023: What to expect?

The economic downturn predicted for 2023 will lead to layoffs but cybersecurity workers will be least affected, says the latest (ISC)² report. Also, as soon as things get …

Most vulnerabilities associated with ransomware are old

Researchers identified 56 new vulnerabilities associated with ransomware threats among a total of 344 threats identified in 2022 – marking a 19% increase year-over-year. …

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