University of California

Autonomous vehicles can be tricked into erratic driving behavior
When a driverless car is in motion, one faulty decision by its collision-avoidance system can lead to disaster, but researchers at the University of California, Irvine have …

DefakeHop: A deepfake detection method that tackles adversarial threat detection and recognition
Army researchers developed a deepfake detection method that will allow for the creation of state-of-the-art soldier technology to support mission-essential tasks such as …

Researchers aim to improve code patching in embedded systems
Three Purdue University researchers and their teammates at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne have received a DARPA …

SymTCP: New approach to protecting Army systems without massive amounts of manual intervention
An approach to network security that will enhance the effectiveness and timeliness of protection against adversarial intrusion and evasion strategies, has been identified by …

How to govern cybersecurity risk at the board level
Rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats are now commanding the attention of senior business leaders and boards of directors and are no longer only the concern of IT security …

Underserved populations unaware of cybersecurity risks
Members of underserved populations are less likely to know whether they have even been victimized by a cyber attack, and they have lower awareness of cybersecurity risks. …