UK cyber risk picture: Emergency services at risk of a major cyber attack
The UK’s emergency services are at risk of a major cyber-attack. This is the finding of a new landscape analysis, issued by intelligence provider Anomali. The UK Threat …

US sets up dedicated office for energy infrastructure cybersecurity
The US government is setting up a new Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) at the US Department of Energy. The CESER office will focus on …

UK government officially blames Russia for NotPetya attack
The UK government has officially attributed the June 2017 NotPetya cyber attack to the Russian government. The statement is backed by an assessment of the UK’s National Cyber …

UK data protection authority issues record fines
Since August 2015, The UK’s independent authority, The Information Commissioner’s Office, has fined 104 organisations a total of £8.7 million for breaches in data …
UK critical operators risk £17m fines for poor cybersecurity practices
UK essential service operators risk fines of up to £17 million if they fail to implement robust protections against cyber attack. The penalties will apply to energy, …

British cryptocurrency traders robbed of Bitcoin at gunpoint
Cryptocurrency heists are usually covert affairs that leave users with empty wallets, but not fearing for their life. Still, there are always some unlucky individuals who get …

British teenager hacked top ranking US officials using social engineering
How did British teenager Kane Gamble, who at the time was only 15 years old, manage to break into email accounts of the CIA and DNI chiefs, as well as gain access to a number …

UK shipbroker Clarksons refuses to pay hackers ransom for stolen data
London-based shipbroking firm Clarksons has suffered a data breach and refuses to pay the attackers to prevent the stolen data from being publicly released. About the …

Are your connected devices searchable on the Internet?
Despite being a hub for technology talent, Berliners are leaving themselves wide open to cyberattack through poor security practices that are exposing millions of cyber …

No key required: How thieves use relay boxes to steal cars
Getting in your car and starting it without having to pull the key out of your pocket is one of the small conveniences that come with many modern vehicles. Unfortunately, the …

Most businesses to invest in artificial intelligence by 2020
Eighty-five per cent of senior executives plan to invest in artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, according to a new survey of UK digital …

Is the healthcare industry prepared to combat evolving cyber threats?
One in four UK healthcare IT professionals aren’t confident in their organisation’s ability to respond to cyberattacks, according to Infoblox. Technology is …