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CIA Twitter
Twitter reactions to the WikiLeaks CIA data dump

Here are some interesting Twitter reactions regarding the WikiLeaks release of 8,761 documents and files they claim originate from an isolated, high-security network situated …

Your web browsing history can be linked to your social media accounts

Your web browsing history contains enough information for third parties to be able to link it to your social media profile (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit), Stanford and Princeton …

Fake executive social media accounts threaten enterprises

New research has uncovered numerous duplicative Twitter and LinkedIn accounts among Fortune 500 leaders, raising concerns about potential security vulnerabilities. Analysts at …

fish phishing
Phishers are impersonating major UK banks on Twitter

Customers of UK banks are being targeted by phishers impersonating the banks’ customer support account on Twitter, Proofpoint warns. The phishers usually choose a …

Clinton campaign chief’s Twitter, iCloud accounts hijacked

Some 12 hours after WikiLeaks published emails stolen from the email account of Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta, someone has hijacked the man’s Twitter …

Twitter malware
Twitter-controlled Android backdoor delivers banking malware

A backdoor Trojan named Twitoor is the first instance of Android malware that receives its commands from a Twitter account. Keeping their botnet out of law enforcement’s …

32m Twitter login credentials stolen from users

Leaked Source has added 32,888,300 records of Twitter users to its repository of leaked data. The source of the batch is a user who goes by the alias …

Twitter paid out $322,420 in bug bounties

Researchers have proven that bug bounties are a cheaper way for discovering vulnerabilities than hiring full-time bug hunters would be and, in the last few years, many …

Twitter suspended 125,000 terrorism-related accounts

Since mid-2015, Twitter has suspended over 125,000 accounts “for threatening or promoting terrorist acts.” Most of these were related to ISIS. “We condemn …

Twitter users warned about being targeted by state-sponsored attacks

Twitter has sent out unexpected warning notices to a number of users, informing them that their account might have been targeted by state-sponsored hackers. “We believe …

Open source Twittor tool can control botnets via Direct Messages

A security researcher has created a tool that allows botnet masters to control their botnet by simply sending out commands via Twitter accounts.“I mostly wanted to …

Fake Twitter verification profiles trick victims into sharing personal, payment card info

A little over 18,000 Twitter users looking for a way to get their accounts verified have been duped by a single fake account promising to provide the service into visiting a …

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