Banking Trojan delivered to companies via macro-based malware
“Cybercriminals continue targeting enterprises with malicious emails whose ultimate goal is to infect company computers with the Dyre/Dyreza banking malware. But instead …

Banking botnets persist despite takedowns
In order to provide organizations insight into the most insidious and pervasive banking botnets currently being used to target financial institutions and their clients, Dell …
New fileless malware found in the wild
“Since the discovery of the Poweliks fileless Trojan in August 2014, researchers have been expecting other similar malware to pop up. The wait over: Phasebot malware, …
Pawn Storm cyberspies still at work, target NATO and the White House
Pawn Storm, the long-standing economic and political cyber-espionage operation that has been first detailed in October 2014, continues unabated. Aiming to compromise the …
Beware of malicious “Internal ONLY” emails
Malware peddlers are once again trying to trick users into downloading malware by sending out fake emails impersonating domain administrators. The email, with “Internal …
122 online forums compromised to redirect visitors to Fiesta exploit kit
Over a hundred forum websites have been compromised and injected with code that redirects users to sites hosting the Fiesta exploit kit, Cyphort researchers have found. These …
Deadly combination of Upatre and Dyre Trojans still actively targeting users
Upatre (or Waski) is a downloader Trojan that has lately become the malware of choice for cyber crooks to deliver additional, more dangerous malware on users’ computers. …
New crypto-ransomware “quarantines” files, downloads info-stealer
Trend Micro researchers have found and analyzed a new piece of crypto-ransomware: CryptVault encrypts files, makes them look like files quarantined by an AV solution, asks for …
Cyber crooks go after enterprise millions with Dyre malware, social engineering
“An experienced and resource-backed cybercrime gang” is using the relatively new Dyre/Dyreza banking Trojan coupled with effective social engineering to steal …
WordPress sites compromised to redirect to Pirate Bay clone, exploit kit
Malwarebytes researchers have spotted another malware delivery campaign that uses compromised WordPress sites to redirect users to a page hosting an exploit kit. The total …
Middle-Eastern energy firms targeted with reconnaissance Trojan
An email spam campaign targeting companies in the petroleum, gas and helium industries has been spotted by Symantec researchers. Most of them are in the so-called Middle East …
Botnets inflating Twitch audiences help broadcasters earn money
Most people dream about earning a living by doing something they enjoy. For some gamers, that dream is achievable by using Twitch, the game streaming service that offers …