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Great security training is a real challenge

All employees need security training, yet it’s generally a resented afterthought. A variety of studies over years show that human error is generally felt to be the largest …

artificial intelligence
3 ways to strike the right balance with generative AI

To find the sweet spot where innovation doesn’t mean sacrificing your security posture, organizations should consider the following three best practices when leveraging AI. …

Unrealistic expectations exacerbate the cybersecurity talent shortage

Consumers believe today’s cybersecurity talent shortage is in large part due to limited exposure to the profession and a lack of cybersecurity education and training at a …

Does a secure coding training platform really work?

As security vulnerabilities are reported to you time and again, you may ask yourself: “Why don’t these developers learn the lesson?” The next thing you may think is: “We …

fish phishing
Open redirect flaws increasingly exploited by phishers

Phishing attacks using open redirect flaws are on the rise again, according to Kroll’s Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) team, which means organizations should consider …

Kennedy Torkura
Maintaining consistent security in diverse cloud infrastructures

As cloud infrastructures become increasingly API-driven and dynamically spread across expansive attack surfaces, achieving clarity proves difficult. Compounding this challenge …

4 ways simulation training alleviates team burnout

Burnout is endemic in the cybersecurity industry, damaging the mental and physical health of cyber professionals and leaving organizations underskilled, understaffed, and …

White House
US government outlines National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy

After the release of a National Cybersecurity Strategy and its implementation plan, the Biden-Harris Administration has unveiled the National Cyber Workforce and Education …

Lindsey Polley de Lopez
Overcoming the cybersecurity talent shortage with upskilling initiatives

In this Help Net Security interview, Dr. Lindsey Polley de Lopez, Director of Cyber & Space Intelligence at MACH37, proposes strategies for companies, educational …

Pieter Danhieux
Inspiring secure coding: Strategies to encourage developers’ continuous improvement

In software development, the importance of secure coding practices cannot be overstated. Fostering a security culture within development teams has become crucial to ensure the …

Debbie Gordon
Bridging the cybersecurity skills gap through cyber range training

In this Help Net Security interview, Debbie Gordon, CEO of Cloud Range explains the concept of a cyber range, its crucial role in preparing for real-world cyber threats, and …

Patricia Thaine
ChatGPT and data protection laws: Compliance challenges for businesses

In this Help Net Security interview, Patricia Thaine, CEO at Private AI, reviews the main privacy concerns when using ChatGPT in a business context, as well as the risks that …

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