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Social media feed simulator Fakey teaches users to recognize credible content

As people around the world increasingly get their news from social media, online misinformation has emerged as an area of great concern. Social media feed simulator Fakey To …

identity theft
Use longitudinal learning to reduce risky user behavior

People ignore information that isn’t relevant to them, which is why IT and HR departments have been approaching security training incorrectly for years. Long-form, all-hands …

Middle market companies facing a record number of data breaches

Middle market companies possess a significant amount of valuable data but continue to lack appropriate levels of protective controls and staffing, according to a report from …

IT security teams challenges fueled by record-setting cyberattacks

IT security teams faced unprecedented challenges last year fueled by dramatically expanded work-from-home (WFH) programs, increased bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy …

Attackers can teach you to defend your organization against phishing

People click on links and attachments and will, unfortunately, keep clicking even if they should know better. They’ll click for the chance of winning a holiday, or even …

security awareness
Five steps to get employees invested in security awareness training

Remote work has become a new normal for industries worldwide, which presents exciting opportunities but also has the potential to expose critical security weaknesses, since …

Having a cybersecurity training program in place isn’t enough to ensure cyber safety

With cyberattacks increasing dramatically after the pandemic, TalentLMS and Kenna Security teamed up to gauge employees’ awareness and knowledge of cybersecurity risks. While …

cloud security experts
Cloud security experts wanted: You can be one of them

A recent study from Boston Consulting Group and analytics firm Faethm has attempted to predict how digitization and technology will upend labor markets in Australia, Germany, …

70% of organizations recognize the importance of secure coding practices

A research from Secure Code Warrior has revealed an attitudinal shift in the software development industry, with organizations bucking traditional practices for DevOps and …

2021 will be the year of hybrid working: How can CTOs keep staff secure and productive?

In 2020, the pandemic was a radical turning point in the way we work. Office workers were forced to give up their commute and work from home. People from a whole range of …

Your security technology is only as strong as your team

Businesses aren’t shy about investing in cybersecurity, but are organizations getting the maximum return on those investments? Too often, businesses focus their spending on …

Major trends that are changing the CISO role

In a rapidly changing business environment, the role of the CISO has hugely expanded in its scope and responsibilities, a BT Security survey of over 7000 business leaders, …

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