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Review: Cyberdanger

Whether you’re already familiar with cybersecurity or want to educate yourself on the topic, Cyberdanger is a great read. The author, Eddy Willems, is a well-known expert in …

How to reduce the attack surface associated with medical devices

As the number of connected medical devices continues to rise, so does healthcare organizations’ attack surface. “Most medical devices available in the healthcare system today …

What the education industry must do to protect itself from cyber attacks

Data breaches show no signs of slowing down and companies across many industry verticals fall victim to what now seems to be a regular occurrence. Most attention around data …

Worried about cyber pirates hijacking autonomous ships? Focus on port cybersecurity first

On average, the U.S. Coast Guard issues between ten and twenty safety alerts annually. Alerts tend to function more as a public service announcement designed to raise …

Thinking network-first to protect against security threats

The challenge of securing data has seen a dramatic shift in complexity in recent years due to an increasing number of threats frequently appearing. However, this complexity …

Unlocking the future of blockchain innovation with privacy-preserving technologies

The origins of blockchain as many are familiar with it today can be traced back to the Bitcoin whitepaper, first published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, which offered a vision …

Three essential elements of a successful Zero Trust cybersecurity program

Organizations have traditionally deployed cybersecurity approaches that adhered to the phrase made famous by President Ronald Reagan: “Trust, but verify.” This meant that most …

red teaming
Red teaming: Why a forward offense is the best defense

Companies are under constant threat. Opportunistic attackers scan the internet for weak points, motivated attackers target specific organizations for susceptibility to a scam …

Optimizing the patch management process

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2019, Jimmy Graham, Senior Director of Product Management at Qualys, discusses the importance of a tailored patch management process. …

Moving away from spreadsheets: How to automate your third-party risk management process

Spreadsheets are dumb. Okay, it’s not that spreadsheets are dumb, or that the people who use them are dumb. That’s not at all what I’m saying. What’s dumb is using …

Pitfalls to avoid when improving your software development skills

The dizzying pace of technological change makes knowledge acquisition and skill development a very big deal in the IT and IT security industry. Luckily, the opportunities for …

49% of all risky online transactions come from mobile devices

About half of all risky online transactions appear to be coming from a mobile device, according to iovation. Specifically, in the first half of 2019 49% of all risky …

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