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Tips for healthcare organizations to improve their security profile

Based upon extensive work in both healthcare IT and information security, CDW Healthcare has identified preliminary steps for healthcare organizations focused on improving …

Injection attacks tutorial

This episode of the OWASP appsec tutorial series describes the #1 attack on the OWASP top 10 – injection attacks. The video illustrates SQL injection, discusses other …

Spyware prevention 101

Spyware goes by many names, including adware, malware, crimeware, scumware and snoopware, but no matter what you call it, its purpose is still the same: to creep into your …

Cyber security incident management guide

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has issued a new guide on good practice, practical information and guidelines for the management of network and …

Safety advice to protect connected devices

If you were one of the millions of people who received tech gifts during the holidays, beware. Computer and cybercrimes have risen by more than 22% according to the most …

Online security tips for avoiding malware

Every month hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting computer users are faced by the inconveniences, complications and data loss that can come with Trojan horses, worms and email …

Tips to securely shred unnecessary files

Organizations often hold on to records that are no longer needed. These records take up valuable storage space and cost money that could otherwise be saved. Adhering to a …

Tips for creating a strong password

To ensure consumers stay safe online and enjoy this holiday season, Check Point outlines practical tips for creating a strong password. Choose a password that is at least 8 to …

Threat modeling best practices

In the video below, Robert Zigweid, senior security consultant at IOActive, talks about threat modeling best practices. The video was recorded at the OWASP AppSec USA 2010 …

How to keep mobile devices secure while traveling

“Tis the season to be jolly – and to leave sensitive corporate information behind at the airport! According to telephone interviews with the lost property offices …

Ten tips for smartphone security

With the holiday season in full swing, more people are using their smartphone for tasks such as last minute shopping, accessing bank accounts, connecting with friends or …

How to prevent identity theft

Identity thieves use low-tech methods (stealing your wallet or even eavesdropping at key moments) as well as sophisticated Internet scams to rob people of their sensitive …

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