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CSA offers a practical road map for secure cloud adoption

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) today unveiled the third version of its Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing. This effort provides a practical, …

Cloud security best practices and tips

With the adoption of cloud computing continuing to accelerate, the need to adopt and maintain effective security and compliance practices is more important that ever. To help …

Free webinar: ISO 9001 for ISO 27001 implementation

Most of the companies that have implemented ISO 9001 have no idea they can implement ISO 27001, this increasingly popular information security standard, with much less effort …

Mass manipulation through automated social engineering

In the past few years, social engineering has become cyber attackers’ preferred method for gaining access to target systems, and it usually takes the form of a spoofed …

Security threats to expand in 2012

Attackers are sidestepping automated security technology and are using social engineering and data mining to orchestrate attacks against prominent individuals and their …

Top five tips to avoid bad apps

While reported mobile malware incidents are still relatively low in number, McAfee Labs is seeing significant growth in the mobile malware threat landscape. Due to the fact …

Integrate security and risk management: TOGAF and SABSA

There is a new free guide that enables enterprise and security architects to integrate security and risk management approaches into enterprise-level architectures. Endorsed …

The 12 scams of Christmas

‘Tis the season for consumers to spend more time online – shopping for gifts, looking for great holiday deals on new digital gadgets, e-planning family …

Protection against Duqu malware

A new vulnerability in Windows has been recently identified and is already exploited in the wild. For now, only a handful of targeted attacks have been found. The …

How to create effective CAPTCHAs

Half a year ago, a team of researchers from Stanford University’s Security Laboratory has managed to build a computer program able to solve audio CAPTCHAs and to define …

Insecure devices extend shopping risks

Shopping online for the holidays is up, with a 15 point increase in the percentage of Americans who say they will spend more time shopping online than in 2010. But according …

Web application security vulnerabilities and strategies

The use of web applications has soared recently, due to the significant value they can add to enterprises by providing innovative ways to interact with customers. However, so …

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