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Information security or IT security?

One would think that these two terms are synonyms – after all, isn’t information security all about computers? Not really. The basic point is this – you …

Ten cyber shopping tips

Safeguarding one’s online identity is even easier this holiday season with the addition of new mobile and iPad applications that allow you to check your balances while …

Does risk outweigh the benefits from the cloud?

Cloud computing provides organizations with an alternative way of obtaining IT services and offers many benefits including increased flexibility as well as cost reduction. …

Why SMBs are attractive to hackers

A Symantec global survey of nearly 2,000 SMBs showed that 50% did not consider themselves an attack target. However, looking at today’s threat landscape, this is clearly …

Secure practices for online shopping

As we prepare for Cyber Monday and a holiday season of increased online shopping, NCSA advises that everyone take a moment to practice safe cyber behaviors. These simple steps …

Tips for secure mobile payments

With the increased use of mobile devices to pay for goods and services, traditional wallets with cash and credit cards could one day be obsolete. A new ISACA white paper …

Change management leads to security breaches

75% of organizations believe their current change management processes could put them at risk of a security breach, according to Tufin. Having sampled 100 network security …

Why do companies backup infrequently?

Businesses are on average backing up to tape once a month, with one rather alarming statistic from the same survey showing 10 percent were only backing up to tape once per …

Teach children about online protection

In an effort to facilitate effective parent-child dialogue about Internet dangers, Trend Micro developed an eGuide with tips to help families have “The Talk” about …

Mac OS X Lion: The Missing Manual

With Lion, Apple has unleashed the most innovative version of Mac OS X yet – and once again, David Pogue brings his humor and expertise to the #1 bestselling Mac book. …

The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing

Have you always wondered about how penetration testing is performed, but never had the opportunity to ask a professional about it or to witness him (or her) at work? If that's …

Top requirements for operating data in the cloud

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Data Governance (CDG) working group today introduced the results of its Cloud Consumer Advocacy Questionnaire and Information Survey. …

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Cybersecurity news