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Low Tech Hacking

Criminals using hacking techniques can cost corporations, governments, and individuals millions of dollars each year. While the media focuses on the grand-scale attacks that …

Data Privacy Day 2012 is upon us

Coordinated and led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), Data Privacy Day on January 28, 2012 will promote the importance of data privacy and encourage digital …

Leading CSOs outline roadmap to combat advanced threats

RSA released new insights from a group of the world’s leading CSOs, designed to help corporations and governments improve visibility into advanced threats ranging from …

The Information Diet

The modern human animal spends upwards of 11 hours out of every 24 in a state of constant consumption. Not eating, but gorging on information ceaselessly spewed from the …

Questioning of incoming data crucial for security awareness

In the last six-to-twelve months, we have witnessed many different cyber attacks. Hacktivists were making a statement, the players behind the so-called Advanced Persistent …

iPhone: The Missing Manual

With the iOS5 software and the new iPhone 4S device, Apple has another world-class hit on its hands. This pocket computer comes with everything—cellphone, iPod, Internet, …

PCI pitfalls for retailers

Businesses that process, transmit or store cardholder data must implement security controls as defined by the latest PCI DSS standard. The following are the nine common PCI …

Top disaster recovery issues

It is no surprise that disaster preparation is top of mind among people these days. The images and stories coming out of Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami …

Volume and sophistication of attacks to increase

Based on activity levels observed in the second half of 2011, the growing pace, volume and sophistication of attacks suggest consumers, small businesses and corporations will …

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Deploying Cloud-Based Solutions

Take your Microsoft SharePoint solutions to the cloud and gain scalability and high availability while helping to lower your operational costs. Led by a SharePoint expert, …

Easy ways to protect your privacy and data

In spite of one high profile computer security breach after another, many people are still not employing even the most basic safeguards to protect their privacy and their …

The Linux Command Line

Thanks to user-friendly distributions like Ubuntu, more people are running Linux than ever before. But many users stick to the GUI and point and click their way through tasks, …

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