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How online communication connects generations

AARP and Microsoft released “Connecting Generations,” a research report that examines how people of all ages are using online communication and social networking …

Planning for IPv6

With IPv4 network addresses close to depletion, moving to IPv6 is now business critical. This concise book helps you plan for IPv6 integration by providing a high-level …

Simple steps to ensure online safety

Resent research into internet use by teenagers conducted for GFI Software revealed that one in three parents do not know if Internet safety tips are being taught to their …

Network Warrior, 2nd Edition

If you are interested in knowing everything that you can possibly know about networking, chances are you were already urged to read Gary Donahue's Network Warrior. Four years …

Mac Kung Fu: Over 300 Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks for OS X Lion

After you’ve uncovered the basics in Lion, Mac Kung Fu is your next step. You’ll learn how to master everyday tools such as the Dock, Spotlight, Mission Control, …

The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook, 2nd Edition

Web applications are the front door to most organizations, exposing them to attacks that may disclose personal information, execute fraudulent transactions, or compromise …

Hacking and Securing iOS Applications

If you’re an app developer with a solid foundation in Objective-C, this book is an absolute must – chances are very high that your company’s iOS applications …

Ubuntu Unleashed 2012 Edition

Ubuntu Unleashed is filled with unique and advanced information for everyone who wants to make the most of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. This new edition has been …

Protect your online image with tips from Microsoft

In observance of Data Privacy Day 2012, Microsoft is releasing new data about consumer behaviors online and is offering guidance and tips to help people better manage their …

Computer Security Fundamentals, 2nd Edition

This book brings together up-to-the-minute coverage of all basic concepts, terminology, and issues, along with all the skills you need to get started in the field. It …

Google+: The Missing Manual

If you want to gain more control over your social networking activities with Google+, this jargon-free guide helps you quickly master the ins and outs of the site. Learn how …

Network Security First-Step, 2nd Edition

With the proliferation of security threats, many people and companies are looking for ways to increase the security of their networks and data. Before you can effectively …

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