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The fluctuation of compliance

After this weekend, all retailers accepting payment card transactions will be expected to either use a specialized firewall for protecting their Web applications or to have …

Do passwords matter?

You don’t have to look very hard to find an article discussing password breaches. Recently, there was a lot of buzz around LinkedIn,, and eHarmony, three very …

Removing the fear factor from BYOD

In May, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) said that it would ignore the government’s advice on BYOD (bring your own device) because of concerns around the security of the …

User education essential against social engineering attacks

The five-year analysis of data from Google’s Safe Browsing service shows that the threat landscape of today has evolved considerably from that of just five years ago, …

What makes a good unified database security solution?

The rise of hacktivism that went beyond defacing websites and concentrated on stealing information and leaking it has made it clear that most attackers go right for the …

Increase in cyber threats and sabotage on critical infrastructure

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), in conjunction with McAfee, revealed a report that fully examines the current challenges facing critical infrastructure and …

BYOD influences enterprise mobile security

The rapid proliferation of consumer mobile devices is changing the traditional IT environment in enterprises, as 90 percent of enterprises have already deployed mobile …

Free mobile security eBook from Veracode

Veracode released a free eBook that outlines the ten steps that can be taken by individuals and organizations to protect against potential security risks brought on by the …

Security tips to combat mobile device threats to healthcare

Mobile devices are increasingly exposing protected health information (PHI) in the healthcare space, with threat risks growing, according to the Department of Homeland …

ISO 22301: An overview of BCM implementation process

While many business continuity methodologies exist for more than 20 years, none of them have really managed to include business continuity in regular management duties – …

Password security, one step at a time

Last week we saw millions of passwords leak from LinkedIn, eHarmony and Much has been written over the last twenty years about how to create strong passwords, but no …

Implications of the rise of mobile devices

CIOs and IT leaders must address three key implications of the “post-PC” era, as workforces and consumers increasingly access IT applications and content through …

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