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12 scams of Christmas

A Harris Interactive study, conducted online among over 2,300 U.S. adults, investigates the online habits and behaviors of Americans, including those who indicate that they …

Can you trust the cloud?

Can an organization trust an IT service provided through the cloud? A survey by KuppingerCole showed that cloud security issues (84.4%) and cloud privacy and compliance issues …

How to stay secure in a changing world

In Sir Isaac Newton’s time there were three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the world. While he, and his scientific peers, might have had many …

Best practices from healthcare and compliance experts

Data breaches in healthcare are raising alarm. Nearly 20 million patient health records have been compromised in the past two years, according to the U.S. Department of Health …

Top five tips for network protection

This year has seen a continued rise in targeted attacks and insider threats designed to steal confidential data. Nowadays, any organization that houses valuable intellectual …

Tips for protecting your privacy

Every month more than 5,000 people take to Twitter to complain about how their mobile device has been snooped on or their visual privacy invaded. Who can’t resist …

How to get promoted in IT security

Not only has landing a job become more difficult; it’s also getting harder to get promoted once you have the job. Here are some tips to getting ahead in today’s …

5 tips for effective disaster recovery

David Mount, technical director at NetIQ, has highlighted 5 tips that will help businesses implement effective disaster recovery plans for their all important IT assets. Am I …

Free calculator: Duration of ISO 27001/ISO 22301 implementation

IS&BCA released a free calculator that will help you estimate the time needed for your ISO 27001 or ISO 22301 implementation. Since these two standards are equally …

5 bad things IT administrators do

Philip Lieberman is the President at Lieberman Software Corporation and in this video talks about five awful things that IT administrators do and offers ways to fix these actions.

Information-related risks, threats and compliance

Dr. Eric Cole is a security expert with over 20 years of hands-on experience. He is a member of the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th President and several executive …

How to prevent a botnet infection?

The research team at e-mail security provider Eleven, published five tips today to help users prevent a botnet infection on their computer. Botnets are groups of hijacked …

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Cybersecurity news