Hacker to business owner: Spotting innate talent in others
There has been much debate recently in the UK about the current GCSE exam format. On the one side are those that argue it should be scrapped in favour of a complex testing …
Governance and assurance guidance for big data
Big data can save big money. A recent McKinsey report found that value gained from data in the US health care sector alone could be more than US $300 billion every year. But …
Google unveils site to help webmasters recover their hacked sites
As the most widely used Internet search engine, Google Search is the de-facto starting point for hundreds of millions of queries each day. It you are an administrator of a …
Tips for removing data from mobile devices
AVG released tips on how consumers can remove their personal data before they recycle or throw away their old smartphones. In an era of frequent and seamless device upgrades, …
The SCADA security challenge
One of the less well-known aspects of information technology – but arguably one of the most critical to modern businesses – is the SCADA platform. SCADA stands for …
Identity theft on the rise this tax season
The threat of identity theft this tax season leaves consumers with more to worry about than whether or not a tax return is in the mail. A thief may use sensitive information, …
Wide Open Privacy: Strategies For The Digital Life
We live in a digital age where it's become normal to see people post photos of their credit cards online, parents share on Facebook images of their newborns right from the …
Tips to minimize the risk and impact of identity fraud
Last week, a Javelin Strategy & Research report found 12.6 million victims of identity fraud in the United States in the past year, which equates to 1 victim every 3 …
Tips to overcome PHI security obstacles
Healthcare organizations’ privacy programs are still understaffed and underfunded, even while millions of patients’ protected health information (PHI) are …
SmishGuru simulated attack service launches
Wombat released SmishGuru, a simulated attack service for security officers to train employees how to recognize and avoid the most subtle yet potentially harmful smishing …
Security pros should listen with their heads, not their hearts
There is a phrase that has become quite popular in information security circles and it goes along the lines of “there are two types of organizations, those that have …
How to successfully submit conference talks
There are many ways a security professional can increase his public profile, and one of these is speaking at a conference. However, getting your work accepted at an event is …