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Top IT predictions for 2014 and beyond

Gartner has revealed its top predictions for IT organizations and IT users for 2014 and beyond. The predictions for 2014 combine several disruptive topics — Digital …

Video: Recent advances in IPv6 security

There are a number of factors that make the IPv6 protocol suite interesting from a security standpoint. Firstly, being a new technology, technical personnel has much less …

How to establish trust in the cloud

Business is increasingly taking place outside the corporate firewall. Employees are using their own devices and turning to consumer-grade cloud file sharing services to allow …

Innovation, big data and the future of information security

Dr. Herbert (Hugh) Thompson is Program Chair for RSA Conferences and a world-renowned expert on IT security. He has co-authored several books on the topic and has written more …

Is wireless the Trojan horse in your network security?

According to Roger Klorese of WatchGuard technologies, smartphones and tablets now account for about 25% of devices used for work in the US. Wireless, mobility and BYOD are …

Common data breach handling mistakes

A data breach is an issue that can affect any organization and National Cyber Security Awareness Month is an opportune time for organizations to start to prepare for an …

Guidelines to manage increased IT risk

From cyberattacks and malicious employee actions to hacks into corporate social media accounts, 2013 is turning out to be a watershed year for technology-related enterprise …

Challenges faced by top CSOs

(ISC)2 released new data that outlines the chief challenges faced by top enterprise security executives and illustrates the broad range of complex – and sometimes …

Budget and job trend data for CISOs

Wisegate released its IT Security Benchmark Report, based on a survey developed by Wisegate Members, who are senior CISOs and security practitioners, to answer the questions …

The legal implications of BYOD

The legality of the common practice of remotely wiping or tracking an employee’s mobile device while asking workers to sign waivers giving their consent for such a …

Recommendations for strengthening cyber security policies

McAfee and the Digital Government Security Forum (DGSF) released a new report which explores the cyber risks confronting government and offers recommendations to mitigate …

Tips for educational organizations on how to defend against online threats

The kids are back to school and hopefully they’re heeding the right advice on how to stay safe in an educational environment, but students aren’t the only ones who …

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