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Securing the U.S. electrical grid

The Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress (CSPC) launched a project to bring together representatives from the Executive Branch, Congress, and the private …

8 ways to talk security with executive management

The importance of information security and technology risk management continues to grow, but many risk and security professionals continue to struggle with non-IT executive …

NIST vetting guide helps in testing mobile apps

While many mobile device apps such as a calendar or collaboration tools are very handy and can improve productivity, they can also introduce vulnerabilities that can put …

Mobile device security: Tackling the risks

Mobile devices with their large data capacities, always on capabilities, and global communications access, can represent both a business applications’ dream and a …

Infographic: How secure is Bitcoin?

The security of Bitcoin transactions is one of the main drawbacks of the digital currency. The infographic below takes a look at what you need to know to stay vigilant. Click …

BGP hijacking for cryptocurrency profit

In cryptocurrency, “mining” is the act of validating transactions listed in the public ledger (also known as the block chain). When a transaction is initiated, it …

Successful strategies to avoid frequent password changes

1.2 billion passwords reportedly stolen by Russian hackers. Before that it was Heartbleed. After a widespread, nonspecific data breach, the conventional wisdom is that people …

Keeping college networks secure

Morris Altman is the Director of Network Services and Internet Security Officer at Queens College, a senior college of the City University of New York. Queens College is the …

Whitepaper: Social networking and security risks

The popularity of social networking sites has increased at astonishing levels. There is no arguing the usefulness of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They can be …

Is your encryption getting out of control?

2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the World Wide Web. From its earliest beginnings, users have demanded security for their sensitive information and web sites …

API security for connecting the enterprise cloud

In this interview, Don Bergal, COO at Managed Methods, answers questions regarding security around API based connections between an enterprise and the hybrid cloud. What …

What are the risks of virtual currency use?

Many consumers have heard about Bitcoin, but they don’t necessarily know anything about it: not the full spectrum of benefits, and definitely not the risks they can …

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