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Zero Trust approach to network security

Zero Trust is an alternative security model that addresses the shortcomings of failing perimeter-centric strategies by removing the assumption of trust.With Zero Trust there …

A call to researchers: Mix some creation with your destruction

Since I can first remember being interested in information security, my personal hacker heroes (and I’m using hacker positively here) were the researchers who discovered zero …

How data-centric security works

The traditional methods of how to address information security have all been for ages about protecting the perimeter and the network, protecting where the files are located. …

Instilling a culture of cyber security

Every company that sells cyber security technology markets how their tools will “defend”, “stop threats” and “protect”. There is no doubt that the technologies that exist …

How to develop effective honeypots

Honeypots – decoy systems used for learning cyber attackers’ capabilities and potential objectives – can be very useful to organizations, businesses, and …

IT admin errors that lead to network downtime and data loss

Kroll Ontrack today released its most recent list of common IT administrator errors that can lead to data loss and network downtime. The findings indicate that the complexity …

Proactive FISMA compliance with continuous monitoring

After a great deal of debate and delay, the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) finally saw a substantive update in December 2014. For federal agencies and the …

NIST updates ICS security guide

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued the second revision to its Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security. It includes new guidance on …

Online summer travel scams to watch out for

Iovation released a list of common online summer travel scams to watch out for. The company also announced that it has seen a hundred percent increase in online travel …

How to turn on two-factor authentication on over 100 popular online services

TeleSign launched Turn It On, a new campaign featuring a guide to two-factor authentication and providing step-by-step instructions for turning on 2FA for over a 100 popular …

Cloud SaaS data protection strategies

Handing control of sensitive data to a third-party cloud service provider remains one of the biggest data compliance challenges today. Top executives from Perspecsys are on …

Cookie warnings: Useless and bad for security?

Cookies are the official and standard and preferred way of keeping state in the (otherwise) stateless HTTP protocol. They are sometimes used for keeping track of a user beyond …

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