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Why vulnerability disclosure shouldn’t be a marketing tool

There have been many arguments within the security community on how researchers should disclose the existence of a security vulnerability. Some argue that full disclosure is …

5 ways to stop the Internet of Things from becoming the Internet of Thieves

The Internet of Things is here and is now on your wrist, in your pocket, in your car, and maybe even in your socks. From smart watches and self-driving cars to smart …

The cloud, FedRAMP and FISMA compliance

Many federal agencies and government contractors are migrating to cloud-based computing, a trend that will pick up speed as the cloud becomes more efficient, more affordable, …

How to survive a compliance audit

Ipswitch polled 313 IT professionals in United States with 59 percent noting that they were not fully prepared to undergo an audit. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents …

Businesses know about POS security risks, but are they investing wisely?

The majority of organizations have increased their POS security budgets during the last two years, but many of them are still using and investing in outdated technologies, …

Three simple ways to prevent a data breach

With methods of cybercrime rapidly evolving, the number of headline-making data breaches continues to grow. Unfortunately, it has become clear that even advanced security …

How to evaluate the efficiency of a Data Loss Prevention solution

How do you measure the Return of Investment on Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technologies? How do you know that your DLP solution is efficient? In this podcast recorded at …

U.S. Open primer: In the cloud or on the golf course, hazards can be devastating

This week the U.S. Open heads to the Pacific Northwest for the very first time. Chambers Bay Golf Course in Washington State will play host. Anyone familiar with this course …

Relying on your insurer for security? Think again!

Data breaches are a regular occurrence, one need simply look at the papers to read about the myriad of breaches that have occurred over the last year. From the Sony attack in …

Insider threat: A crack in the organization wall

Vormetric announced the European findings of a survey conducted by Harris Poll in fall 2014 among 818 enterprise IT decision makers (ITDMs) in various countries, including 204 …

IoT developers concerned about privacy and data protection

An impressive 65 percent of Internet of Things (IoT) apps in production today are generating real revenue. The study results, undertaken by Progress and Harbor Research, also …

Why break in, if you can simply login?

I was asked the other day why so many security breaches are hitting the headlines and are seemingly getting larger and more frequent. The game of cyber security has changed …

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