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Combatting human error in cybersecurity

Mistakes are part of life, but unfortunately in cybersecurity operations, mistakes have the potential to be financially devastating to the business. According to a 2014 IBM …

Top 3 biggest mistakes enterprises make in application security

Enterprise information security encompasses a broad set of disciplines and technologies, but at the highest level it can be broken down into three main categories: network …

Cloud security: Essential yet complicated

In this interview, Ron Zalkind, CTO and co-founder of CloudLock, talks about the top cloud security threats, illustrates how the power of the cloud can influence the agility …

If you build it, they will come

If you build it, they will come. But will you be ready? Will any of us? It’s almost impossible to escape the topic of the Internet of Things (IoT). Whatever the technology …

The insider versus the outsider: Who poses the biggest security risk?

Today, many organizations are under continuous attack from nation-states or professional cyber criminals. One of the main focuses for IT security teams is stopping intruders …

Solving the third-party risk management puzzle for PCI

One of the main PCI compliance challenges for businesses is how to accurately document and monitor the payment data and personal information they hold and share with third …

Maintaining security during your healthcare merger or acquisition

With continuous changes in the information security landscape and high profile breaches being announced on a seemingly weekly basis, healthcare providers need to ensure they …

Dealing with a difficult data legacy

Customer call recording and storage is now standard practice across a variety of industries, as well as a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requirement in many cases. But …

Five principal cloud security challenges

In our technology driven world, security in the cloud is an issue that should be discussed from the board level all the way down to new employees. CDNetworks takes a look at …

Addressing IoT risks with a trust framework

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) released its Internet of Things Trust Framework, the first global, multi-stakeholder effort to address IoT risks comprehensively.The framework …

Getting better results from threat intelligence analysis and management

LookingGlass have been in the threat intelligence analysis and management market for 10 years now, and have a proven track record in the space. In this podcast recorded at …

How to prevent insider threats in your organization

Time and again, organizations of all sizes and in all industries fall victim to insider threats: disgruntled, malicious insiders – employees, former employees, …

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