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Top 5 Android Marshmallow enterprise security benefits

Google’s new Android Marshmallow operating system offers important new security and ease-of-use features that improve its functionality for both enterprise and individual …

Prevention is the best cure for identity theft

In 2014, 85 percent of people took steps to prevent identity theft, according to ARAG, a provider of legal insurance. Checking credit reports, shredding documents with …

The barriers to cybersecurity research, and how to remove them

Earlier this year, a considerable number of computer scientists and lawyers, from academia, civil society, and industry, congregated at UC Berkeley School of Law to take part …

File insecurity: the final data leakage frontier

The growth of cloud and mobile computing, the ease at which files can be shared and the diversity of collaboration methods, applications and devices have all contributed to …

The evolution of the CISO in today’s digital economy

As the digital economy becomes ever more connected and encompasses all industries, we’re reaching a point where every company today is a technology company. Along with this …

How organizations can increase trust and resilience

Gartner said organizations must invest in three risk disciplines to increase trust and resilience. Running a digital business presents business leaders with an increasing …

Infographic: Devaluing data, fighting cybercrime

For any organization connected to the Internet, it is not a question of if but when their business will be under attack, according to a recent cybersecurity report from …

Enhancing email security in Office 365

The need for corporate security has never been greater. Identity theft remains a lucrative crime, and we read about a major hack nearly every day. Companies moving to Office …

Data security for the borderless enterprise

With the advent of cloud computing, social media and mobility, data is moving and proliferating at pace across borders, platforms and applications, very rarely staying within …

Behind the scenes at BruCON, a European hacker conference

Setting up a local conference seems to be a popular way for infosec pros that haven’t got the time or means to travel to bring the people they want to meet and the …

Encryption: Whose keys are they, anyway?

Over the past year, encryption has been showing up in a number of unlikely places. It started when Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt proclaimed that encrypting everything …

The Lord of the Hacktivist Rings

Cyber attacks against websites have been around for about a decade. Considering this, an important question to ask is: what makes one company considered high risk, and what …

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