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Understanding a new security market: User behavior analytics

We know that tracking enterprise log data to discover suspicious activity from hackers or malicious insider threats is not a new idea. Five to 10 years ago, we saw the SIEM …

Cyber operational readiness and a complex threat landscape

Mike Walls is the Managing Director, Security Operations and Analysis at EdgeWave. In this interview he discusses keeping pace with an increasingly complex threat landscape, …

Software-Defined Perimeter enables application-specific access control

Back in the early 1990s enterprises migrated away from proprietary protocols such as DECnet, SNA, and Novell IPX to common standards such as IP. The motivation was the open …

10 tips to avoid viruses on Halloween

As we get closer to Halloween, hackers take advantage of the most popular Hollywood titles to launch so-called BlackHat SEO attacks, i.e. false Google and other search engine …

Online Trust Alliance releases new Internet of Things Trust Framework

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) updated the IoT Trust Framework, a comprehensive global initiative that provides guidance for device manufacturers and developers to enhance …

CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware victims don’t need to pay the ransom

Kaspersky Lab has added an additional 14,031 decryption keys to their free repository, enabling all those who have fallen victim to CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware to …

Creating a secure network for the Internet of Things

The attitudes and perceptions around the Internet of Things (IoT) span a wide array of views from the extreme excitement of consumers and manufacturers, to the concerns …

The top 6 scariest cloud security mistakes and how to avoid them

As Halloween approaches, the only thing more frightening than a house of horrors is a security threat to your enterprise cloud system. One slip-up could not only be …

What should companies do after a wide-scale data breach?

It is not always possible to prevent such attacks, however, it is possible to make them highly unlikely to succeed. It is also possible to limit the extent of possible damage …

Smart home security and privacy checklist

Today’s homes are being built and retrofitted with smart apps and devices to monitor things like security, temperature and lighting. Homeowners and renters should be cognizant …

Think twice about Android root

In recent years the practice of Android rooting, that is the process of allowing an Android phone or tablet to bypass restrictions set by carriers, operating systems or …

Wargame teaches senior leaders about strategic threats and risks

On Oct. 13 Booz Allen and the FC2 held a cybersecurity wargame simulation for senior officials in the public and private sectors at the University of South Florida, the home …

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