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Solutions for the hijacked websites problem

According to a group of researchers from Google and University of California Berkeley, roughly 16,500 new sites get hijacked each week and start serving drive-by-malware or …

Spring network cleaning: Quick tips to reduce risk

Spring is here, which means many people will be cleaning their workspace and getting rid of the clutter on their desks. If you’re in charge of your organization’s security, we …

3 steps to embracing NIST 800 security controls

One proven path to improving any organization’s security posture is to embrace the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s risk management framework set forth in its …

Software tools and services used to achieve ISO 27001

With high profile breaches becoming almost a daily occurrence in the media, many organizations are now turning to the ISO 27001 information security standard to help them stay …

Why ICS network attacks pose unique security challenges

Attacks on industrial control systems (ICSs) are increasing in frequency – and have become a reality we can no longer ignore. Securing these networks poses unique …

GoPhish: Free phishing toolkit for training your employees

Too many system and network breaches today start with a well-designed, persuasive phishing email, and organizations and businesses would do well to continually train their …

Identify the ransomware you’ve been hit with

Michael Gillespie, a coder that has created a password generator for unlocking the files stashed in a password-protected archive by the CryptoHost ransomware, has also created …

How to prepare for your first infosec job hunt

You’re new to the information security industry and you’re wondering what to expect during an interview. A quick online search will bring up horror stories …

petya ransomware
Petya ransomware encryption has been cracked

Petya ransomware hit companies hard, but the good news is that there are now tools available to get the encrypted files and locked computers back. The ransomware not only …

Developing the perfect exfiltration technique

At SafeBreach, one of our major research areas is exfiltration (sending sensitive data out of the corporate network). In one of our research projects in late 2015, we set out …

eBook: Guide to protecting SaaS apps from DDoS attacks

With a business model dependent on 100% uptime for their online customers, the last thing SaaS companies can afford is a DDoS attack. Read this DDoS eBook from Incapsula and …

The security impact of IoT evolution

Francis Bacon, First Viscount St. Alban (1561 – 1626), wrote, “As the births of living creatures, at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of …

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