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Six critical customer support differentiators in cybersecurity

Regardless of size or sector, excellent customer support is a major differentiator within any organization. In the cybersecurity industry, however, tech support is more than a …

CERT updates insider threat guidebook

The CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University released the fifth edition of the Common Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats. …

Why you need a tailored application security program

For companies that provide applications to their customers, keeping those applications secure is a must. Setting up an application security program is the next logical step, …

It’s time to rethink using remote access VPNs for third-party access

No longer safely operating behind the traditional corporate perimeter, business productivity today depends on integrating external members of the extended enterprise into the …

How to minimize the risk and impact of identity fraud

The number of identity fraud victims increased by sixteen percent (rising to 15.4 million U.S. consumers) in the last year, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. They …

Recommendations to help the security of ICS-SCADA systems

The use of long-range communication networks, and specially the Internet, has revolutionised ICS-SCADA systems and architectures. The use of network communication in these …

credit cards secure
PCI SSC publishes best practices for securing e-commerce

Exponential online sales growth paired with the EMV chip migration in the US makes e-commerce payment security for merchants more important than ever before. As EMV chip …

CSOs reveal true cost of breaches

Over one-third of organizations that experienced a breach in 2016 reported substantial customer, opportunity and revenue loss of more than 20 percent, according to the Cisco …

Why companies shouldn’t feel helpless in the fight against ransomware

According to recent reports, ransomware is now a billion dollar business for cybercriminals. Attackers are honing in on the weak spots of organisations; human behaviour …

Six best practices for managing cyber alerts

Security professionals know that the number of cyber alerts is growing at a frantic pace. Even a mid-sized company can face tens of thousands of alerts every month. As the …

Is it time to call an MSSP? Five signs that it can’t wait

Small and midsize businesses (SMBs) are fighting an uphill battle when it comes to managing their network security. According to a 2016 Ponemon study, 69 percent of SMBs don’t …

USA flag
Top 10 most malware-infected US cities

Webroot revealed the top 10 most malware-infected US cities. According to Webroot’s data, Houston is the most infected US city with 60,801 infected devices. The research …

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