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5 incident response practices that keep enterprises from adapting to new threats

Security analysts within enterprises are living a nightmare that never ends. 24 hours a day, their organizations are being attacked by outside (and sometimes inside) …

Guidance for connected vehicle security: Attack vectors and impacts

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) released its first ever research and guidance report on connected vehicle security. Authored by the CSA’s Internet of Things (IoT) …

How to build a better SOC team

The security skills shortage is a very real issue. Cisco estimates that there are currently one million unfilled cyber security jobs worldwide, while a report from Frost …

ENISA Cyber Europe
Cybersecurity: Industry concerns and suggestions for policy makers

The EU Agency for Network and Information security – ENISA – together with industry recently reached a common position on cybersecurity, that reflects the concerns of industry …

How to secure your digital transformation

Organizations are demanding and implementing new solutions that enable them to streamline operations, cultivate new business opportunities and provide better service to their …

Software security assurance: Everybody’s invited

As more and more things in this world of ours run on software, software security assurance – i.e. confidence that software is free from vulnerabilities (either …

Protecting your cloud from ransomware

For enterprises that use the cloud, the key to being protected starts with understanding the layers that make up the components of their cloud stack. These different layers …

A guide on how to prevent ransomware

Ransomware is fast becoming a major threat to computer systems in many organisations. It is an aggressive form of attack which criminals use to infect computers and block the …

smart cybersecurity spending
Key to smart cybersecurity spending: Remove redundancies and strive for unification

Over the past two decades, the cybersecurity industry has been completely transformed. For organizations, cybersecurity’s evolution from a cottage industry to an economic …

Privacy awareness checklist for GDPR readiness

A little more than a year out from its effective date of May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is undoubtedly on the minds of many of privacy …

Analysis of 500 million passwords shows what you should avoid

A dump of over 550 million username and password combinations is currently being sold on underground forums, and eager crooks are paying for the privilege to test them out …

What healthcare CISOs should know

“Are we more secure today than yesterday?” is the question every healthcare organization needs to asks itself every day. in order to develop a more effective security posture, …

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