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Emotet: Crimeware you need to be aware of

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Emotet continues to be among the most costly and destructive malware threats affecting state, local, and territorial …

Mac threats are growing faster than their Windows counterparts

Mac threats growing faster than their Windows counterparts for the first time ever, with nearly twice as many Mac threats detected per endpoint as Windows threats, according …

The rise of human-driven fraud attacks

There has been a major spike in human-driven attacks – which rose 90% compared to six months previously, according to Arkose Labs. Changing attack patterns were felt across …

Vade Secure phishing report
The 25 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks

PayPal remains the top brand impersonated in phishing attacks for the second quarter in a row, with Facebook taking the #2 spot and Microsoft coming in third, according to …

Phishers impersonate WHO, exploit coronavirus-related anxiety

Media outlets are reporting daily on the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan and the emergency repatriation of foreign citizens that found themselves in the thick of it. As cases of …

How IoT devices open a portal for chaos across the network

Shadow IoT devices pose a significant threat to enterprise networks, according to a new report from Infoblox. The report surveyed 2,650 IT professionals across the US, UK, …

68% of organizations were victims of endpoint attacks in 2019

Organizations are not making progress in reducing their endpoint security risk, especially against new and unknown threats, a Ponemon Institute study reveals. 68% IT security …

Privacy ROI: Benefits from data privacy averaging 2.7 times the investment

Customer demands for increased data protection and privacy, the ongoing threat of data breaches and misuse by both unauthorized and authorized users, and preparation for the …

Are businesses prepared for an extinction-level cyber event?

In an era of technological transformation and cyber everywhere, the attack surface is exponentially growing as cyber criminals attack operational systems and backup …

Cybercriminals using fake job listings to steal money, info from applicants

Be extra careful when looking for a job online, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) warns: cybercriminals are using fake job listings to trick applicants into sharing …

Email security industry miss rates when encountering threats are higher than 20%

Email security miss rates are definitely a huge issue. Malicious files regularly bypass all of today’s leading email security products, leaving enterprises vulnerable to …

How to govern cybersecurity risk at the board level

Rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats are now commanding the attention of senior business leaders and boards of directors and are no longer only the concern of IT security …

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