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The three stages of security risk reprioritization

What began as a two-week remote working environment, due to COVID-19 has now stretched past the nine-month mark for many. The impact of telework on organizations can be felt …

Consumers vastly misjudge the vulnerability of their home networks

Internet users in the United States vastly underestimate how often their home networks are targeted by cyber threats. That’s one of the key findings of a new Comcast report. …

Why microlearning is the key to cybersecurity education

Cyber attacks are on the rise during this year of uncertainty and chaos. Increased working from home, online shopping, and use of social platforms to stay connected and sane …

Retail CISOs and the areas they must focus on

In this interview, Matt Cooke, cybersecurity strategist, EMEA at Proofpoint, discusses the cybersecurity challenges for retail organizations and the main areas CISOs need to …

Malware may trick biologists into generating dangerous toxins in their labs

An end-to-end cyber-biological attack, in which unwitting biologists may be tricked into generating dangerous toxins in their labs, has been discovered by Ben-Gurion …

Pandemic thinking: What if there were a vaccine for OT ransomware?

The year 2020 has been defined globally by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of few silver linings for this difficult set of circumstances is innovation – redesigning normal …

Automation to shape cybersecurity activities in 2021

Automation will play a major role in shaping cybersecurity attack and defence activities in 2021, WatchGuard predicts. Traditionally a high-investment, high-return targeted …

The ransomware plague cost the world over $1 billion

Group-IB has presented a report which examines key shifts in the cybercrime world internationally between H2 2019 and H1 2020 and gives forecasts for the coming year. The most …

Complex cyber attacks target online retailers

Peak levels of traffic will be seen throughout the holiday shopping season as a flood of consumers turn to online channels to purchase goods, Imperva reveals. A monthly …

QakBot operators abandon ProLock for Egregor ransomware

Group-IB has discovered that QakBot (aka Qbot) operators have abandoned ProLock for Egregor ransomware. Egregor has been actively distributed since September 2020 and has so …

magnifying glass
A perspective on security threats and trends, from inception to impact

Sophos published a report which flags how ransomware and fast-changing attacker behaviors, from advanced to entry level, will shape the threat landscape and IT security in …

Manufacturing industry overwhelmed by innovative threat actors

TrapX Security and Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) have released findings of a research that surveyed 150 cyber and IT professionals directly involved in security strategy, …

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Cybersecurity news