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99% of security pros concerned about their IoT and IIoT security

Tripwire announced the results of a research report that assessed the security of connected devices across enterprise environments in 2021. Conducted by Dimensional Research, …

Encryption is either secure or it’s not – there is no middle ground

The principle of end-to-end encryption underpins a system of communication where only the communicating users can read the messages. To this end, it exists to prevent any …

5 key cybersecurity risks in 2021, and how to address them now

With an unexpected year of massive change behind us, many organizations have now an extensive remote workforce, new technologies in use, and digital transformation under way …

CI/CD pipelines
The growing threat to CI/CD pipelines

Before the pandemic, most modern organizations had recognized the need to innovate to support developers’ evolving workflows. Today, rapid digitalization has placed a …

Nearly 40% of new ransomware families use both data encryption and data theft in attacks

Data-stealing ransomware attacks, information harvesting malware, and supply chain attacks are among the critical threats to organizations, according to F-Secure. One of the …

Organizations suffer downtime despite following cybersecurity recommendations

Organizations continue to suffer downtime despite IT stacks equipped with all recommended cybersecurity technologies – including continuous data protection, anti-malware with …

Board directors need to play an active role in protecting their org from cyber risks

Cybersecurity failure is a “clear and present danger” and critical global threat, yet responses from board directors have been fragmented, risks not fully understood, and …

fill online form
93% of consumers concerned about data security when filling out online forms

Source Defense provides in-depth analysis of the client-side threat landscape and specific attacks like formjacking, Magecart and web browser threats. The research offers a …

identity theft
Stop using your employees as scapegoats: Change their behavior

Remote workforces pose new challenges for organizations, with the largest issue centered around fortifying the security of at-home workers. We’ve recently witnessed large …

Attack volume surged by 48% during the first year of the pandemic

A Mimecast report details how threat actors targeted remote workers during the first year of the pandemic, March 2020 – February 2021. The report describes how attack volume …

fleeceware apps
Fleeceware apps extract hundreds of dollars per year from their users through subscription services

Avast has discovered more than 200 new fleeceware applications on the Apple App Store and the Google PlayStore. The apps have been downloaded approximately one billion times …

Challenges and benefits of using threat data feeds

Threat data feeds can help organizations strengthen their cybersecurity posture, according to a report from the Ponemon Institute. As cyberthreats proliferate, many …

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