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The evolution of DRaaS

The shift of daily production workloads from on-premises to cloud has also impacted approaches to protection of business assets and operations. When it comes to protecting …

U.S. Department of the Treasury
U.S. Department of the Treasury announces set of actions to counter ransomware

As part of the whole-of-government effort to counter ransomware, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced a set of actions focused on disrupting criminal networks and …

DDoS attacks increased 11% in 1H 2021, fueling a global security crisis

NETSCOUT announced findings from its report that underscore the dramatic impact cyberattacks continue to have on private and public organizations and governments worldwide. In …

2 million malicious emails bypassed secure email gateways in 12 months

Two million malicious emails bypassed traditional email defenses, like secure email gateways, between July 2020-July 2021, according to data from Tessian. Who’s being targeted …

microsoft power apps
Microsoft Power Apps data exposure: Prioritizing sensitive data with secure configuration settings

Security misconfigurations are one of the most common gaps hackers look to exploit. One bad configuration setting in a popular cloud platform can have far-reaching …

77% of execs concerned about security tools gaps in their company

77% of Americans believe their company has gaps in its current security tools, according to Lynx Software survey findings. 500 Americans in managerial and executive roles were …

Ransomware still a primary threat as cybercriminals evolve tactics

Trend Micro announced that it blocked 40.9 billion email threats, malicious files, and malicious URLs for customers in the first half of 2021, a 47% year-on-year increase. …

Woman working on laptop
Tech pros reporting a positive perception of their roles, looking forward to what lies ahead

Amidst ongoing pandemic-driven change at work and at home, a SolarWinds survey seeks to understand how tech pros feel about their daily roles and responsibilities, the lessons …

The digital identity imperative

The ever-evolving shift to digital means that most of our day-to-day activities are carried out online. We’re now accustomed to simply toggling through a few apps to book a …

Keys to the cloud: Unlocking digital transformation to enhance national security

According to recent research, federal spending on cloud computing is anticipated to grow from $6.8 billion in 2020 to nearly $7.8 billion in 2022. As this adoption …

Most Fortune 500 companies’ external IT infrastructure considered at risk

Nearly three quarters of Fortune 500 companies’ IT infrastructure exists outside their organization, a quarter of which was found to have a known vulnerability that threat …

Ransomware preparedness is low despite executives’ concerns

86.7% of C-suite and other executives say they expect the number of cyberattacks targeting their organizations to increase over the next 12 months, according to a recent …

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