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Thailand to introduce 15 million high-security e-passports

In 2018, the Thai Government launched ‘Thailand 4.0’ with a vision to develop Thailand into an innovative, dynamic and value-driven economy. With this in mind, the Ministry of …

Thales’ new Gemalto Digital ID Wallet now available to all citizens on their smartphones

With Thales’ new Gemalto Digital ID Wallet, governments will issue a secure digital version of official documents including identity cards, health cards and drivers licenses, …

Neo4j and Thales bring data security to the graph database

Neo4j, the leader in graph databases, announced a comprehensive integration between Neo4j Enterprise Edition and Thales Vormetric Transparent Encryption to deliver …

Thales and Tata communication bringing secure connectivity to the cars with Korea Telecom

Thales, a global leader in digital security, announces with Tata communication and Korea Telecom a new cooperation for the development of the car industry. While bringing more …

cloud complexity
Do cloud apps make you a target for cyber attacks?

Almost half (49%) of businesses believe cloud apps make them a target for cyber attacks, a Thales research reveals. Surveying 1,050 IT decision makers globally, Thales’ 2019 …

Thales launches Gemalto Instant Connect to simplify the connection of eSIM-enabled devices

Thales announces the launch of Gemalto Instant Connect, a pioneering connectivity solution to simplify the connection of eSIM-enabled devices on a mobile network. While users …

Why businesses need IAM to push their zero trust frameworks forward

Many organizations are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the security of their digital transformation strategies. On the one hand, the number …

Keyfactor and Thales launch Keyfactor Code Assure, providing secure code signing

Keyfactor, a leading provider of secure digital identity management solutions, announced a new integration with Thales that combines Keyfactor’s code signing platform with the …

Government embracing digital transformation but struggling to implement data security

The push towards digital transformation in the U.S. government is putting sensitive data at risk, according to a Thales research conducted by analyst firm IDC. The 2019 Thales …

Thales unveils payShield 10K, a new payment hardware security module

Thales, a leader in critical information systems, cybersecurity and data protection, announces the availability of a next-generation payment hardware security module (HSM), …

Entrust Datacard acquires nCipher, a GP HSM business from Thales

Entrust Datacard, a leading provider of trusted identity and secure issuance technology solutions, announced that the company has signed a definitive agreement to acquire …

Verint and Thales join forces to deliver cyber threat intelligence approach

Verint Systems and Thales formed a partnership to create a Cyber Security Threat Intelligence approach for governments, enterprises, and critical infrastructures in Europe. …

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