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Guidelines for assessing ISPs’ security measures in the context of net neutrality

According to the EU’s net neutrality regulation, called the Open Internet Regulation, which came into force in 2016, internet providers should treat all internet traffic to …

Australia: Parliament passes anti-encryption bill

The Parliament of Australia has passed the Assistance and Access Bill 2018, which allows Australian authorities to pressure communication providers and tech companies into …

EU telecoms suffered 169 major security incidents in 2017

ENISA, EU’s agency for network and information security, has released a report on major telecom security incidents that occurred in the EU in 2017. About the report …

Telecom services: Patient zero for email-based attacks?

Organizations offering telecommunication services are seeing more advanced malware threats than organizations in other industries, Lastline researchers have found. They have …

SIM cards
AT&T sued for enabling SIM swap fraud

A cryptocurrency investor is suing AT&T because criminals were able to empty his accounts through SIM swap fraud (aka account port out fraud), even though he had already …

Cybersecurity no longer top risk for telecom industry

Telecommunications executives have relegated disruption from new technologies to third place in their risk top 5: the number one risk identified by 60 telecom companies …

mobile device
New LTE attacks open users to eavesdropping, fake messages, location spoofing

A group of researchers has uncovered ten new attacks against the 4G LTE wireless data communications technology for mobile devices and data terminals. The attacks exploit …

Data of 800,000 Swisscom customers compromised in breach

Swisscom, the biggest telecom company in Switzerland, has suffered a data breach that resulted in the compromise of personal data of some 800,000 customers, i.e., nearly ten …

Telecoms don’t protect users from government overreach

The data stored on our mobile phones, laptops, and especially our online services can, when aggregated, paint a detailed picture of our lives—where we go, who we see, what we …

Who’s responsible for fixing SS7 security issues?

The WannaCry ransomware onslaught has overshadowed some of the other notable happenings this month, including the spectacular Google-themed phishing/spamming attack, and the …

1.9 million Bell Canada customer account details stolen, leaked

Anonymous hackers have stolen and leaked 1.9 million email addresses and some 1,700 names and active phone numbers of Bell Canada customers. The company has not shared where …

UK flag
UK govt wants real-time communication surveillance powers, courtesy of telcos

A leaked draft of proposed regulations shows that the UK government is after greater communication surveillance powers, and that in order to get them, it will legally require …

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