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Spam over phone and email is changing consumer communication preferences

Of today’s main communications mediums – text, phone calls and email – consumers get the most spam over phone and email: 70% said they receive spam often over email and 51% …

DNSSEC still fueling DNS amplification attacks, TCP SYN flood attacks rise

DNS amplification attacks continue to increase in number, growing 4,788% over Q3 2018, according to Nexusguard. DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) remains the …

Redefining security KPIs for 5G service providers

Telco security professionals are missing the mark when understanding their consumers’ priorities, according to KPMG’s recent report. In the wake of a security breach, …

Examining security process maturity in 400 organizations

There’s an overall failure in maturity of security processes of over 400 organizations in industries ranging from e-commerce, retail and payment processor to …

5G is here, now what?

5G is being positioned as a “network of networks” that will encompass public and private components, licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and even expand beyond cellular, to …

Phishing is a billion-dollar global industry, consumers are the main target

Phishing is a growing pain point for individuals, businesses and CSPs, according to Allot. Consumers are the main target of these attacks, and they are calling for better …

5G subscriptions to reach 1.9 billion in 2024, critical IoT connections on the rise

Rapid early momentum and enthusiasm for 5G has led Ericsson to forecast an extra 400 million enhanced mobile broadband subscriptions globally by the end of 2024. The June 2019 …

Consumer spending on technology to reach $1.32 trillion in 2019

Consumer spending on technology is forecast to reach $1.32 trillion in 2019, an increase of 3.5% over 2018. Consumer purchases of traditional and emerging technologies will …

Mobile carriers believe security and reliability concerns will increase with 5G

Mobile service providers anticipate significant new revenue opportunities from the coming deployment of high-speed 5G networks and a host of new IoT-driven use cases, but they …

5G brings great opportunities but requires a network transformation

Telecom operators are overwhelmingly optimistic about the 5G business outlook and are moving forward aggressively with deployment plans. Twelve percent of operators expect to …

Cost of telecommunications fraud estimated at €29 billion a year

As our society evolves, so does our reliance on telecommunications technology. Cybercriminals prey on our daily use of electronic devices and continuously seek out new ways to …

mobile device
New privacy-breaking attacks against phones on 4G and 5G cellular networks

Three new attacks can be used to track the location and intercept calls of phone users connected to 4G and 5G cellular networks, researchers from Purdue University and The …

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