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Security has become more difficult, IT leaders say

Workspot announced a survey report conducted by Dimensional Research, which reveals that in the past year, due to remote work, 83% of IT leaders expanded or accelerated their …

Email is the riskiest channel for data security

A research from Tessian and the Ponemon Institute reveals that nearly 60% of organizations experienced data loss or exfiltration caused by an employee mistake on email in the …

46% of organizations still store passwords in shared documents

46% of IT, security, and cybersecurity leaders say they still store passwords in shared office documents. That’s despite an overwhelming 93% of respondents that require …

79% of organizations have activated a disaster recovery response within the past 12 months

Zerto recently commissioned IDC to conduct a major ransomware and disaster preparedness survey, which revealed that 79% of respondents have activated a disaster recovery (DR) …

zero trust
Where do federal agencies stand with zero trust implementation?

One year after the president’s executive order on improving the nation’s cybersecurity, federal agencies are making steady progress toward their zero trust security goals, …

identity theft
Top tech for enterprise identity governance and security

Clear Skye and Gradient Flow announced the findings of their survey exploring the state of identity governance and security in the enterprise. The survey questioned 500+ …

Password tips to keep your accounts safe conducted a consumer survey to find out how the UK chooses their passwords, how safe they are and how often they have been hacked. Writing passwords down on paper …

Cybersecurity skills shortage: Could training, certifications and diversity be a solution?

Fortinet released a report which reveals that the cybersecurity skills shortage continues to have multiple challenges and repercussions for organizations, including the …

55% of people rely on their memory to manage passwords

Bitwarden announced the results of its global password management survey, in advance of World Password Day on May 5th, 2022. While receptive to the importance of security, …

How IIoT solutions can optimize industrial supply chain operations

Ivanti Wavelink announced the results of a joint survey with VDC Research regarding the state of industrial supply chain operations and the adoption of Industrial Internet of …

Security leaders relying more heavily on MSPs amid talent crunch

The cyber skills gap is driving a significant increase in reliance on external managed service providers, according to the Neustar International Security Council (NISC). 89% …

Ransomware is up and victims are paying

Sophos released a survey and review of real-world ransomware experiences in a report which shows that 66% of organizations surveyed were hit with ransomware in 2021, up from …

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